PREFA corporate logo & online documents

PREFA company Logos

On this page you can download the PREFA corporate logo in different formats. You can also take your pick from documents and photos provided by PREFA online services to use on your website.

The PREFA logo for your website

Use the following HTML code if you wish to include our logo on your website:

<a href="" target="_blank" title="PREFA – a roof as strong as a bull! An extremely lightweight aluminium roof. Break-proof, rust-proof and storm-proof plus low-maintenance and environmentally friendly with a 40-year guarantee“><img src="/images/hierliegtdasPREFA-Logo-aufdemWebserver.jpg" alt="PREFA – a roof as strong as a bull! An extremely lightweight aluminium roof. Break-proof, rust-proof and storm-proof plus low-maintenance and environmentally friendly with a 40-year guarantee"></a>

Online services for your customers

PREFA offers a wide range of online services with a view to supporting end customers who are building houses or performing renovation work.

You are free to use the following text, links and photos as promotional materials on your website:

1) Article on roof renovation


This detailed guide on roof renovation with PREFA will take you through the process one step at a time. Covering the planning, quotation, implementation and completion phases, it includes a whole host of handy tips and tricks to help you renovate your roof with success.


Photo: Roof renovation tips

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Old roof shortly before it was renovated with PREFA shingle

2) PREFA photo service


The free PREFA photo service allows you to create your very own photographic montage of your house. If there’s one specific PREFA product that catches your eye, why not use this handy photo service to try it out and see what the product would look like on your house in your choice of colour? All you need to do is upload a photo of your house and select the PREFA product and the colour you’re interested in. Then it won’t be long before you can see your customised photographic montage featuring your new PREFA roofing or façade. 


Photo: Photo service

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The PREFA photo service makes it possible to compare the condition of a house before and after it has been renovated with PREFA products

3) Façade design with PREFA


Façades provide protection against external influences and have a huge impact on the appearance of your home. Here you can read all about the structure, benefits and functions of a PREFA rear-ventilated façade.


Photo: Façade design with PREFA

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PREFA rear-ventilated façade with FX.12 roof and façade panels in P.10 anthracite

4) Façade cladding in a wood finish


Wooden façades give homes a distinctive look, but the appearance of natural wood changes incredibly quickly and the material starts to weather. With PREFA sidings in a wood finish, the chore of regular repainting and maintenance becomes a thing of the past. Prepare to be inspired...


Photo: Aluminium façade in a wood finish

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Gable cladding with PREFA sidings in a natural oak finish, including soffit cladding